Marriage Improvement, from Mediocre to Delightful

The basics of marriage improvement

Consider the fact that you could have an absolutely delightful marriage. So, it’s sort of silly to settle for a mediocre one. All it takes is changing some mindsets and studying the greatest marriage manual of all time. So, let’s begin to study the basics of marriage improvement.

Sit down and decide that you are going to figure out how to improve your marriage. Keep in mind that you may have to change some of your mindsets.

The greatest marriage manual is the Holy Bible. In Matthew 22:39 Jesus commanded us to love your neighbour as yourself. Your closest neighbour is your spouse. So, be as kind and unselfish to your spouse as you would be to yourself. Matthew 5:16 says Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven. So, you want your marriage to be so delightful that your neighbours will think, “I want what they have.”

Ephesians 4:26 says Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Work out your differences before you go to sleep.

Reading the Bible out loud together daily can help you discover those verses that will help send your marriage to a new level.

High stress & serious health issues

Dr. Caroline Leaf says, “Thoughts do cause illness … . They have the power to make us sick.” Read that web page. If you are causing your spouse stress, you could be making them very sick.

The most important concept I took away from my university Industrial Relations course was as follows. Negative emotions can reduce a person’s ability to think logically. So, not only can high stress product health problems. High stress can reduce your ability to do your job well and make money.

Consideration & respect

marriage improvementIf you paraphrase 1 Peter 3:7, it says Husbands, treat your wives with consideration & respect so that your prayers will not go unanswered. Change a mindset. You and your spouse should both agree to try to treat each other with consideration and respect at all times. Then the quality of your marriage can shoot through the roof.

Learn your spouse’s love languages. It will help you to treat them with consideration & respect.


Money issues is one of the big three problem areas that destroy marriages. (The other two are communication & sex.) If money is a problem, decide that you are going to just figure out how to solve the problem. Be realistic. If self employed, it may be unrealistic for you or your spouse to earn more. In that case, you have to figure out how to spend less.

Some cities have free credit counselling services. Search online for: [your city] credit counselling services. You may find a website such as this one belonging to the Credit Counselling Society.

They will give you very valuable little tricks for removing the stress from your money management issues. That will include a suggestion that you make a spreadsheet of your monthly budget. After one month, you may be shocked at how much you are spending on some of those categories such as eating out.

Your spreadsheet will have two sections. The top one will have one line for each expense. The bottom line will subtract your total expenses from your total income to give you closing cash.

The second section of your spreadsheet will have a number of categories. These are the categories that may have more that one entry per month. The running total of each category will be automatically added to the top section.

At the end of each of the first few months sit down and calmly discuss how the expenses can be reduced. Be open to changing your mindsets. Changing your mindsets can be a first step towards marriage improvement.

Summing up

In this blog post we have discussed a few marriage improvement issues that can change your marriage from mediocre to delightful. Remember these points:

  • Be open to changing some mindsets.
  • Read the Bible together.
  • Decide that you are going to figure out how to improve your marriage.
  • Wherever possible, remove the stress from your marriage.
  • Always treat each other with consideration & respect.
  • Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.
  • Calmly discuss your differences as soon as reasonable.
  • Make a monthly spreadsheet of your income & expenses.
  • Stress can cause health problems and reduce your ability to earn money.




Marriage and Intimacy with God

Imagination & hearing God’s voice

Hello Readers of the Godtalk blog. Today I’d like you to meditate upon the relationship between marriage and intimacy with God.

If you read this blog regularly, you most likely are the type of person who wants to hear God’s voice. One main technique I use I get close to God is engaging my imagination. When I do, God will often add to the scenario I have been creating in my mind.

For instance, to facilitate hearing the voice of Father God, I’ve created an imaginary garden. Here I go to talk with Father and He talks to me.

I have a few trees planted in the garden. They represent testimonies of special things that have happened to me. For instance, my wife loves the look of a weeping willow tree.

I planted a weeping willow as a testimony of the amazing wife the Lord gave me. When I do my devotions in the middle of the night, one thing I always do is go to that weeping willow tree. Each time I thank Father for various characteristics my wife has. (Thankfulness is incredibly important when talking to God. It helps you get closer to Him.)

Sometimes God will begin to speak to me non-verbally at this time. I never go into the garden without hearing Father say something. It is not verbal; it will be a thought Father places in my mind — often a surprising thought that I would never have of on my own.

Marriage and intimacy — becoming one spirit

Once He told me that as I get really intimate with my wife, we become one spirit.  Then, He said, if we simultaneously get intimate with Him, the three of us will become one spirit.

When my wife & I got married, she and I shared a measure of love and we shared the Christian faith. We read the Bible out loud together and that helped our love to grow. We prayed out loud together and that helped our love to grow even more.

Then I discovered 1 Peter 3:7Husbands, treat your wife with consideration and respect so that your prayers will not go unanswered. We modified that a bit and decided to treat each other with consideration and respect every minute of every day. That definitely helped our love to grow.

Then we began to get online teachings from Christian mystics such as Mike Parsons. Among other things, these people began to emphasize Matthew 5:48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

marriage and intimacyGetting close to perfect is a process — we definitely have not arrived yet. There was one thing we noticed early on in this process — our wonderful marriage became even more wonderful. It seemed to be almost one consistent state of love, joy & peace. During our previous decades of being married, we have never enjoyed each other so much.

Going into my imaginary garden is the catalyst to getting close to Father God. When I’m there, I let Him know that I love Him. Then He shows me things. He guides me into things including marriage and intimacy with my wife.

The video below is a discussion between two Christian mystics — Nancy Coen & Justin Abraham. It discusses more about becoming intimate with God.

Trusting God, even when it sounds foolish

The video clip below is from a recent It’s Supernatural television interview. In it Kim Meeder was doing a book signing. She asked the Holy Spirit what to write in the front of a book for a particular lady. The Holy Spirit gave her what she considered the dumbest poem she had ever heard in her life.

Later the owner of the book came up to Kim and told her that was the poem that her mother used to pray with her every night. The lady had prayed and told the Lord that if He was real and if He knew her pain, she would like Him to let her know in a way that was real.


Marriage and intimacy

People never fall in love be reading a biography about a person. They fall in love be spending lots of time with them. They develop a close relationship. In a similar way you should develop a close relationship with God.

This blog post has shown you the correlation between marriage and intimacy with God. If you are married, read it over and watch the videos again. Unless you already have an absolutely amazing marriage, it will help you get closer to your spouse than ever.





Expectancy for Every Type of Blessing

Position yourself for biblical prosperity

expectancyJoan Hunter says that most Christians do not know how to position themselves for biblical prosperity. We have to get into a position to know that God desires to bless us. We should have an expectancy for blessing.

We must remember that blessing includes much more that finances. It includes love, joy, peace, health, etc.

Learn more from the video below.

God’s benefits package

God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.   Philippians 4:19  Sometimes you have to read the Bible, find a scripture that applies to your need and pray it into existence. 

Get into God’s Word and find out for yourself. God has so much available for you.

Expectancy and rotator cuff miracle

Joan Hunter expects God to heal people. A man whose rotator cuff had been removed came up for prayer. As Joan was praying, she felt a brand new rotator cuff growing into position.

Groceries out of “nowhere”

Joan Hunter got into a mindset where she expected God to take care of her needs.

One day while she was in this mindset, she came home to a big surprise. She had left the house very neat. When she got home, 30 to 50 bags of groceries were in her living room. There were so many groceries that she did not even have room for them all in the refrigerator & pantry.


Blockages to the blessings

There are some be major blockages to the blessings of the Lord. For example:

  • Lack of holiness
  • Secret sins
  • Worry
  • Fear.

The Word of God tells us to cast our cares on Him. When we cast our cares on Him, we automatically will not be worrying.

Fear is the opposite of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Hebrews 11:6



Watch the entire It’s Supernatural TV interview between Joan Hunter & Sid Roth.



courts of heaven

courts of heaven

Let’s Talk about It with Kat Kerr

Let’s Talk About It 

The video below will introduce you to Kat Kerr. It’s from the Let’s Talk About It TV show. Kat is a lady who has had multiple trips to heaven.

Duties of children; duties of parents

Children absorb more from their parents’ actions that their parents’ words. Notice Kat’s interesting take on train a child on the way he should go.

Watch this explained more fully in the short video below.

Watch the entire Let’s Talk About It interview in the video below.

Courts of Heaven vs. Praying in the Battlefield

Reaching our destiny via the courts of heaven

There are books in Heaven revealing destinies — destinies of people all the way to destinies of nations. Often it requires activity in the courts of heaven for a destiny to be fulfilled. We have to step into Heaven to deal with all sorts of legal issues. These are the legal issues the enemy is using to prevent us from reaching our destiny.

Learn more about the courts of Heaven in the video below.

Satan wants to take away our destiny

Psalms 139:16 talks about a time before we were born.  It says that our destiny was written in heaven.  But the devil is trying to detour us away from that destiny.

For example, think of the story in Luke 22:31 where Jesus is speaking to Simon Peter.  Jesus says that Satan has desired to have him.  “Desired” here means that Satan has demanded that Peter be put on trial.  Satan is saying that Peter is disqualified from his destiny because of things he has done.  But Christ is saying that He has gone to court for Peter and Peter will get what was destined for him.

This is explained more fully by Robert Henderson in the video below.

The greatest legal transaction in history

The greatest legal transaction in history took place when Jesus died on the cross.  When Jesus said, “It is finished”, that meant that every legal mandate was now met.  After Jesus died, all people were given the legal rights we see in Isaiah 53.  Jesus took our sickness, our pains, our sins and our iniquities.  Watch the video below.

We can now have the legal right to be free of sickness, pains, sins and iniquities.  Learn how to be free of these problems.  Absorb the rest of this blog post.

Your adversary the devil

1 Peter 5:8 says, “Your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he could devour.”  “Adversary” is from the Greek word “antidikos”.  It means “one who brings a lawsuit”.  The reason some important prayers are not answered can be because the devil has a legal case against us.

Think of the parable of the unjust judge.  The widow did not yell and scream at the judge.  She asked the judge for a verdict that would render her adversary unable to legally operate against her.

This concept is discussed in the video below.

Reversing His Son’s Depression

Robert Henderson’s son had been in a deep depression for two years. He prayed for his son multiple times. That had no effect.

Then the Lord told him to take his son to the Courts of Heaven. He did. There he:

  • Repented for any fault his son had as a father & a husband. He repented for his son believing the lie of the enemy & for anything else he could think of.
  • Then he repented for any negative thing he had said to his wife about the boy.
  • He prophesied his son’s destiny.
  • He rebuked the spirit of depression.

The whole thing took about 15 minutes. His son’s depression lifted. What he could not do in two years of prayer he did in 15 minutes in the Courts of Heaven.


courts of heaven



Watch the complete interview between Sid Roth and Robert Henderson.


More teaching on the courts of heaven

One reason Christians lose

Satan is the accuser of the brethren. What if he accuses you in the courts of heaven & you do not show up? You may just lose because you did not defend yourself.

Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. Luke 31-32a

Meditate on the above passage. Q. Where did satan ask to sift Peter like wheat? A. In the Courts of Heaven.

But, according to Ian Clayton, Jesus went up to the Courts of Heaven and petitioned on behalf of Peter.

Someone has to defend us against the accuser of the brethren.

One p.174 Ian Clayton says: Too many intercessors have been caught  and trapped on the earth trying to eventually go to Heaven instead of realizing that they could go to Heaven immediately, do transactions and win!

On p.177 Ian Clayton says: The courtroom of God is also where angels are released on assignment to see it come to pass on earth. It is done in the courtroom, not on the earth. As intercessors we spend so much time praying down here and it has been good, but we have not always had the victory. We have to learn another way.

Justin Abraham

The video below is a clip from a longer video called Courts of Heaven|Podcast with Justin Paul Abraham. Here we have an example of Justin Paul Abraham changing British Politics by exercising his rights in a Court of Heaven.




Session 1
Valuable notes on the courts of heaven
The Courts of Heaven, XP Media
Notes from Robert Henderson
The Courts of Heaven, podcast with Justin Paul Abraham
6 Types of Courts in the Courts of Heaven
Sample prayers in the Courts of Heaven
Lawyer compares legal system with Courts of Heaven
Heaven’s Court of Redemption

Language of the Courts of Heaven

Justice in the Courts of Heaven is measured against the Word of God. Satan even uses scripture to accuse the brethren. He tells God how people acted contrary to the Word of God.

Before going into the Courts, it may be a good idea to decide upon some of the scripture you want to use. Meditate upon them.

More in The Language of the Court section in this website.


courts of heaven

courts of heaven
1. <Realms of the Kingdom Vol. 1, Ian Clayton, p.171

Trading Floors & Establishing a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth

What are the trading floors?

trading floorsThis blog post is a summary of the book, The Trading Floors of Heaven.

There are two trading floors. One is of God and the other is of satan. They are both in the realm of the spirit.

Satan’s trading floor is designed to build satan’s kingdom on earth. God’s trading floor is designed to make a person’s life more abundant.

A trading floor is a place in the spirit realm where people give some something and get something in return. It may be positive or negative.

For instance, when someone sins, they are trading on satan’s trading floor. They are getting temporary pleasure. In return, a potential blessing was withheld. That would help build satan’s kingdom. Sounds like a foolish trade to me.

When someone is truly worshiping, they are giving a blessing to God. In exchange, they receive God’s blessing. They have just traded on God’s trading floor.

How do we trade with satan?

The first trade recorded in the Bible was when satan convinced Eve to eat the fruit in exchange for having the ability to know good & evil. Adam & Eve traded their dominion over the earth for their supposed ability to be like God. Their sin gave satan legal right to have dominion over the earth.

Every time you sin, you are trading with satan’s kingdom. You lose blessings and opportunities that would have been available to you.

So, satan’s trading floor takes life away from you and God’s trading floor releases life to you.

Trading floors & 2 kingdoms

After Adam & Eve sinned, satan’s kingdom was established. So, Earth now had two kingdoms — Kingdom of God & kingdom of satan.

When Jesus came to earth, he traded his divinity for an earthly body. I.e., he entered God’s trading floor. Later he traded his life for the blessed life that mankind can live in the Kingdom of God.

We now have an opportunity to trade on God’s trading floor & get back what satan got from us in his trading floor.

Intentional & unintentional trades

Whether intentional or unintentional, a trade will have the same consequences. Even a trade your ancestors made can affect you negatively because the results of the trade can be in your DNA.

Secular scientists know about the effects of experiences creating changes in a person’s DNA.

Scientists in Emory University gave mice a mild shock. At the same time they smelled a particular fragrance. Consequently, they developed a fear of that fragrance.

Then the researchers milked the sperm & sent it across campus. There female mice that had never been around the males were impregnated  with the sperm.

Their offspring & grandchildren were all afraid of the same fragrance.

Read more about this experiment in a National Geographic article.

Blood covenants of your ancestors

Let us suppose that your ancestors from 20 generations killed their firstborn in a ritual to their gods. Perhaps they did it in exchange for victory in a war.

In the realm of spirit, this would have been a legal agreement.

If you are a firstborn child, you could be experiencing consequences of the ritual from 20 generations ago. Perhaps all sorts of things in your life are going wrong in a way that seems unreasonable. The devil may be laying claim to your life because of that legal trade so many  centuries ago.


When someone is gambling, they are trading their money for the chance to make good money from the god of chance. God should be our provider. When we gamble, we trade this hope in God for hope in a demon.

This hope in a demon can pass on to future generations. A gambler’s great-grandchildren can end up hoping for financial blessings from sources that have nothing to do with God’s blessing.

Reversing trades with the god of chance

To reverse the effects of the trades, start by repenting. Below is a sample prayer.

Father, I repent on behalf of anyone in my bloodline who traded with the god of chance. I repent for agreeing to such a trade. I call this trade sin. We sinned against you God. 

Lord, have mercy on us. Forgive us for having faith in another god and not in you. We repent and walk away from this way of unbelief. We give back anything we have that we have received from the god of chance including his false hope. We trust & believe You will provide for our needs according to Your riches in Glory.

After you have completed your repentance, you can go into the Courts of Heaven and request a decree such as the one below.

Father, I step into the Courts of Heaven. I request that You issue a decree that you annul any contract that exists between the god of chance and me & my bloodline. Father, I ask that you remove any counterfeit hope that is anchored in my heart and soul. I do not want to be tethered to any god but You. I reject any false hope, wish or chance. I say today that my trust is in my Lord Jesus Christ and no one else.  

In addition to this prayer, you might want to lay claim to anything you believe was stolen from you by the god of chance.


Buy The Trading Floors of Heaven book online.

Watch The Trading Floors of Heaven YouTube video below.

Childhood Trauma and Reversing Its Effects

Rewiring the Brain

This article is about rewiring the brain to reverse damage caused by childhood trauma.

The image above is a picture of axons moving their positions in the brain. A major university did brain scans on some of Dr. Hegstrom’s clients.

Among them were violent criminals who had served their time in prison. After 26 weeks within Dr. Hegstrom’s program, their brains look much different. After a year on the program, the brain shows more rewiring than at 26 weeks.

Usually 75 – 85% of parolees can be expected to commit crimes again and return to prison.

They said that of all of the people they had ordered to take the course in the past five years, none had returned to prison.

Their brains had been rewired.

Scars remain after forgiveness

A teacher in Newfoundland was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform.

She had the children take out a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty it was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry.

Now, even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it.

That is what happens when a child bullies another child. They may say they’re sorry, but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home.

Arrested brain development

Bullying and other forms of trauma can arrest a child’s development. The trauma can cause the adrenalin-dispensing system to be in a constant state of alert waiting for fight or flight.

When the child reaches puberty, the excess adrenalin prevents three chemicals (dopamine, seratonin and norepinephrine) to be produced in sufficient quantities. These three chemical are necessary for normal development in the brain. As a result, part of a person’s personality can remain like that of a prepubescent child.

The five types of prepubescent traumas that can put the adrenalin-producing system to stay on high alert are:

  • Rejection in the original family,
  • Incest,
  • Molestation
  • Emotional abuse and
  • Physical abuse.

The late Dr. Paul Hegstrom was an expert in the field of prepubescent trauma. He said that it can lead to serious problems such as

♦  ADD,
♦  ADHD,
♦  Disrespect for authority figures,
♦  Domestic violence,
♦  Anger management issues,
♦  Inability to love,
♦  Inability to parent properly and
♦  Inability to resolve conflict.

The main reason Dr. Hegstrom is an expert in the area of prepubescent trauma is because he was violently raped at the age of eight. For much of his earlier adult life he was an emotional mess. He eventually started a research project trying to find out how to make himself into a decent person. He found out how to “rewire his brain”.


Watch the television interview between Dr. Paul Hegstrom and Sid Roth.

Related pages

People who cannot control themselves

Domestic violence

Altering human brain cells

Emotional abuse

Dr. Hegstrom’s life skills project

How to Break Generational Curses

Generational curses for 3 or 4 generations

Graeme Walsh generational cursesGraeme Walsh shares something that many Christians don’t recognize — when several generations have sickness, divorce and even poverty running down their family line, this often is a generational curse. He urges you to close the door on generational curses AND he tells how.

The Word of God says I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation Exodus 20:5b and Our fathers sinned, and are no more; and we bear their iniquitiesLamentations 5:7 

If we sin and do not repent of it, the enemy has a legal right to come into our lives. If our ancestors back a few generations sinned and no one has repented of it, the enemy has a legal right to come into our lives.

It may seem unfair, but that is the reality of it. The Bible tells us so.

In a third of the recorded healings of Jesus, He first cast out a demon.

Deliverance and Communion 

Communion is the greatest tool for deliverance. Demons know about the blood of Jesus. They are afraid when they hear about the blood.

demon in Korea & generational cursesGraeme Walsh was a guest speaker at a church in Korea. A particular church member would demonically manifest so often that four men had been permanently assigned to restrain him when he manifested.

The demon manifested while Graeme was there. The assigned restrainers held him down and Graeme forced the man to take communion. Within ten or twenty seconds the man was delivered!


 scoliosisA woman had a generation scoliosis curse. Her head was bent down so it touched her chest.

Graeme Walsh took dominion over the spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus. The woman was instantly healed a grew two inches taller while they were watching.

Learn more about breaking generational curses.

Watch Graeme Walsh’s television interview with Sid Roth .

Listen to the radio interviews. They include a prayer to break generational curses.

Bible Verses, Saying My Favourite 31 Daily

Recitation of Bible verses part of my daily devotions

Part of my private devotions every day includes reciting the 31 Bible verses you see below. By saying them every day for years, I have come to believe them fully.

They are part of my thinking processes as my day goes by. The result is that every day I am full of love, joy, peace and faith.

See our mnemonic device page about tricks on how to memorize Bible verses.

Mediate on the Word of the Lord day and night so that you will be careful to do what is written. Then you will be prosperous and successful.    Joshua 1:8 (Paraphrased)

Do not be afraid. The battle is not yours, but God’s.    II Chronicles 20:15b


Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.    Psalms 37:4


I have hidden Your Word in my heart so that I might not sin against You.    Psalms 119:11


Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.    Proverbs 3:5,6

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will rise with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.    Isaiah 40:31

You will seek the Lord and find Him when you seek Him with all of your heart.    Jeremiah 29:13


Bring your whole tithe to the storehouse. Test me in this and see if I won’t open up the floodgates of heaven with so much blessing that you cannot contain it.    Malachi 3:10

Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.    Matthew 4:4



Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.    Matthew 5:16

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.    Matthew 6:33

Not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord”, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.    Matthew 7:21

If anyone hears the message of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one will come and snatch away what was sown in his heart.    Matthew 13:19a

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Those who believe and are baptised will be saved. Those who do not believe will be condemned.    Mark 16:15,16

The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.    Luke 19:10


To all who received Him, to all who believed in His name, He gave the right to be called the children of God.    John 1:12

Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.    John 3:3


BibleFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.    John 3:16

I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.    John 14:6


If you love Me, you will do what I command.    John 14:15


Salvation is found in no one else [but Jesus Christ]. There is no other name under heaven by which you must be saved.    Acts 4:12

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.    Romans 3:23


The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23


If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.    Romans 10:9

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.       Galatians 5:22

We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do.    Ephesians 2:10

Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers…and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.    Ephesians 6:12

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.    Philippians 1:6

The Lord rewards those who diligently seek Him.    Hebrews 11:6b


Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.    James 4:8


If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.    I John 1:9

Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone years My voice and invites Me in, I will come in and sup with him and he with Me.    Revelations 3:20

More Spiritual Food

The verses below are not part of my daily devotions. But, I use them often and they have really changed my life.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.    Philippians 4:8

All things work together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose.    Romans 8:28

Husbands, treat your wives with courtesy and respect so that your prayers will not go unanswered.    1 Peter 3:7

Lastly, this is what keeps our marriage super strong: Bible reading. My wife and I read four pages of the Old Testament and  a chapter from the New Testament out loud almost every day. Then we pray out loud together.

Related page

Read this web page of a lady’s 50 favourite Bible verses.

Alcoholic Father & Forgiveness


alcoholicAs a child, A.J.Jones had a terrible time living with her alcoholic father. Her mother even installed a lock inside her closet so that she could hide from his violence. She grew up hating her father.

alcoholicHer father had created such a terrible life for her that she decided to commit suicide. As she was about to swallow a handful of pills, she heard the audible voice of God saying that he loved her.



In a conversation with AJ’s sister, her dad asked her how he could get AJ to accept him. She replied that he would have to quit drinking. So, he quit cold turkey.

His body could not handle the sudden change. One day while he happened to be at the top of a very long (191 steps) flight of steps he had a seizure and tumbled all the way to the bottom.

alcoholicFrom his hospital bed (which the doctor assumed would be his death bed) the dad asked AJ for one more chance. She reluctantly and rudely said she would.

alcoholicA.J. had supernatural experiences that has helped her erase her past hurts and live a life of living in God’s love.




alcoholic alcoholicClick on the image to the left to watch a TV interview between A.J. Jones & Sid Roth.

Click on image to the right to hear radio interviews between A.J. Jones & Sid Roth.