Heaven, Kat Kerr Has Been There Multiple Times

Many trips to heaven

heavenKat Kerr has been taken by the Spirit of God on tours of Heaven many times since 1996. She has been commissioned to reveal what she was shown.

roller coaster in heavenHeaven is fun and adventurous. There are even roller coasters in heaven.

She saw a teenage girl with strawberry-blond hair meet with her great-grandfather. Her great-grandfather took her for a roller coaster ride.

After Kat Kerr returned to earth, she went to minister to a woman she had never met. The woman’s teenage daughter (Maurissa) had recently died in a skiing accident. The mother had found a journal in which Maurissa had recorded a dream several years earlier. She dreamt that she went to heaven and her great-grandfather took her on a roller coaster ride.

Because of the roller coaster story and a number of other secrets, the mother became convinced that Kat Kerr really had been to heaven.


Click on the pictures below to hear four interviews that people have had with Kat Kerr.

the walls of heavenThis interview has the story of Maurissa and the roller coaster.


Patricia King and Kat Kerr talk about heavenClick the picture to watch an interview with Patricia King. Click on the link to see a teaching about No Time/Space.

stairway to heaven

Among other things, this interview describes the amazing welcome many people receive after they die on earth. Click on the picture now.



People have a choice of where they will go when they die. They can decide to follow Jesus Christ and go to heaven. Or, they can reject Jesus and go to hell. It is their choice.

Click on the image of the flames to hear an interview between Kat Kerr and Patricia King. Kat Kerr will be discussing what heaven is like. (She was taken there once so that she could warn people.)

A person’s spirit man can feel pain, fear, starvation, dehydration, etc. Demons will even bite parts out of a person’s spirit body. Yet, they will never die.

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