After Death, What Will Happen?

61 minutes after death

after deathGary Wood knows what happens after death. The paramedics declared him dead at the scene of his car crash. He went to heaven and got a tour from an old friend who had died. But, his sister prayed and he returned to his body. He had been medically dead for 61 minutes.

His trip around heaven included a trip to a library where he found the books recording things people had done in life. That included a list of all the things people had done to help get others saved. It also included sins people had committed but had not repented of. Once they repent, the deeds are removed from the books.

Room of unclaimed blessings

Later he went into a room of unclaimed blessings. These were blessing that people could have had but they did not have enough faith. He was told that it is important for people to say things such as “I believe, I receive” after they have prayed for a blessing.

after death, Gary Wood, sisterAbout 61 minutes after he died, his friend told him that he had to go back to earth because his sister was using “that Name”. He instantly left heaven.

His sister, who up until that time did not really believe in miracles very strongly, was praying for Gary to come back. She was using the name “Jesus” lots.

Gary Wood, xRayAfter Gary came back:
♦ His vocal cords were severed.
♦ His larynx was crushed.
♦ His neck was broken.
♦ Teeth were knocked out.
♦ His nose was torn off.
♦ His jaw was broken.

after death, Gary Wood, hospital

It was medically impossible for him to talk.

after death, Gary Wood, JesusBut then one day Jesus came into his room. He put his hand on Gary’s throat. Even though the vocal cords were still severed, he could talk!

He can talk and he can sing. He needs to be able to talk to fulfill his mission on earth.




Watch the It’s Supernatural television interview between Gary Wood & Sid Roth.

Chuck Missler’s Take on UFOs

Chuck Missler

Chuck Missler believes that UFOs are real. But, they are not intergalactical; they are hyperdimensional.

Chuck Missler has impressive credentials:

♦ Former Branch Chief for the America Department of Guided Missles
♦ Former CEO of six public companies — Four of them were highly classified in the Dept. of Defense
♦ Thirty years in the strategic community.

His explanation is complex and begins in Matthew 24 where Jesus talks about the end times. He said that as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the end times.

Genesis 6 talks about the days of Noah. It appears to talk about a hybrid race called “Nephilim”.

Genesis 6:4 says, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those says and also afterward.” You can learn more about Nephilim by watching the video below.

Dr. Missler discusses the events from Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Newspapers said that UFOs were sighted. At least three people were killed.

This was followed by a campaign of disinformation that exists to this day. The record involving what happened at Roswell is more highly classified that information about the most sophisticated American warheads. Two U.S. presidents and four different congressmen have tried to see the records. They were not allowed.

A dozen astronauts have reported seeing UFOs. The video below includes an audio recording of astronaut John Blaha talking to mission control. He said, “Houston, this is Discovery. We still have the alien spacecraft under observation.

One interesting thing about UFOs is how they break the known laws of physics. For instance, they break the sound barrier without creating a sonic boom. They travel in a straight line super fast and then suddenly make a ninety degree turn. This leads some people to believe that they are coming from another dimension.




Watch the It’s Supernatural television interview between Chuck Missler & Sid Roth.

Becoming Successful in Life

To become successful in life, it takes a lot of wisdom. Ninety-year-old Regina Brett of Cleveland, Ohio wrote 45 life lessons for her newspaper column. The name of this column is ‘7’

She says, “To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I’ve ever written.

“My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:”

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short – enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. 45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

Nephilim Resurgence by Randy DeMain


What are the nephilim?

nephilim resurgence

Randy DeMain’s latest book talks about the nephilim resurgence and the nephilim agenda. They are trying to bring extreme wickedness upon the earth in these last days and to take over the world.

A nephil (Hebrew plural is nephilim) was created when a fallen angel had sex with a human woman. This sexual activity produced a race of giants.

This was happening in the days of Noah. And Jesus said that the end times would be as in the days of Noah. What Randy DeMain suggests in his book is that in these days there will be a resurgence of the nephilim.

Learn much more in the short video below.

Nephilim resurgence today

There is a nephilim resurgence today. They are trying to get to the top of the seven mountains of influence (family, government, media, etc.) When they get to the top of a mountain, we become servants to the mountain. Presently the enemy is controlling those mountains to a much greater degree than we like to admit.

Nephilim today are not giants. That would be too obvious. So, with genetic manipulation they have created offspring that look pretty much like regular humans.

To recognize them you must realize that they are birthed demonically. They have a real aversion to Christians. When confronted by Christians they will manifest hatred and anger. They will despise the Christians.

Protection from the Nephilim

Our greatest protection from the Nephilim is walking in the righteousness of God. There should be no mixture. Don’t think you can take a little bit of the demonic plus a lot of God.

You want to be totally dedicated to the Lord.

As a little aside, realize that when you are totally set aside to the Lord, life is more enjoyable.





Watch the entire XPMedia interview between Randy DeMain & Patricia King.

Intimate Holy Spirit to Guide Us

Who is the Holy Spirit?

intimate Holy SpiritDavid Hernandez learned as a teen that the intimate Holy Spirit wants to be sought. He learned about fellowship, power and friendship with the Holy Spirit.

He learned that the Holy Spirit:

  • Is the one who gives us boldness to evangelize.
  • Stirs faith within the soul causing us to believe in the miraculous.
  • Helps us to know how to pray.
  • Reveals Jesus to us in worship.
  • Helps us to walk in holiness.

Learn more from the video below.

How to develop a relationship  with the intimate Holy Spirit

Silence & stillness

To develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit, learn to be silent & still.

Go to a private quiet place to pray. Silence is the putting away of outer distractions.

Be still & know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. Stillness is the quieting of the soul. In stillness we give our burdens over to the Lord. We have to focus our attention on what the Holy Spirit is showing us, not on what is happening on the outside.

Meditation on the Word of God helps this process. Meditate of the revelation of the Word that the Lord has given to you. That brings about a stillness of the soul that helps the Holy Spirit work in you.

Arm muscle grew back

David Hernandez was ministering in a meeting where the power of the Holy Spirit was really obvious. There were waves of glory.

David focused on a man at the back who was worshipping with one arm in the air. The Lord said He wanted to heal the man. David just did not know what the infirmity was.

He later found out that the man had once had cancer in his neck. Surgeons removed a muscle in his arm and moved it into his neck so that he could move his head.

David prayed for the arm. It was totally healed and the man could lift both arms into the air.

Watch the entire It’s Supernatural interview between David Hernandez & Sid Roth.






Bible Codes, Irrefutable Evidence That God Wrote the Bible

How this rabbi uses the Bible codes

Bible codesThe Lord gave Rabbi Yacov Rambel a system for expanding the meaning of Bible passages. It involves Bible codes — in his case equal spacing between Hebrew letters. For instance, the Lord might tell him to look at every 4th letter in a passage or every 20th letter in another passage.

Isaiah 53 is about Jesus

Rabbi Rambel was taught that Isaiah 53 referred to Israel. He says that that didn’t make sense to him. Look at the passage below.

He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

He could not figure out how the stripes of Israel could heal large numbers of other nations.

And then Rabbi Rambel got to Isaiah 53:10. The Lord told him to start at the letter yod and pick out  every 20th letter.

Bible codes

 He pick out every 20th letter and, when translated to English, it says “Jesus is my name.”

This was written 800 years before Jesus. It says that Isaiah 53 was talking about Jesus.

The probability of that interpretation of the happening by chance was figured out by a statistician. It was 50 quadrillion to one. To put it another way: 50,000,000,000,000,000:1.

There are 300 references to Jesus in the Old Testament. Using the Bible codes, the name of Jesus was found in every single one of those 300 passages.

Learn more from the short video below.

Jesus in Proverbs 30:4

Proverbs 30:4 is a long verse. It ends with What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!

Starting with the yod and going right to left every 22 letter and translating into English it says Jesus is the gift.

Learn more from the video below.



Watch the original 1996 It’s Supernatural TV interview between Yacov Rambel & Sid Roth.




Supernatural Life of Francis Sizer

Miraculous life after a trip to heaven

supernatural lifeHis supernatural life began with a group of his parishioners. When Dr. Francis Sizer was a Catholic priest, a group of charismatic Catholics were meeting in the church basement.

When he went do to see what they were up to, three of them laid their hands on him & began to pray in tongues.

He began to shake and was soon taken up to heaven. He came back to his body as a person with miraculous experiences. One of his first miracles happened when a prayed for a lady with stage 4 cancer.

Watch more in the YouTube video below.

Stomach operation not required

She had eleven bleeding ulcers. The doctor wanted to remove 75% of her stomach.

Francis Sizer prayed for her and she felt she was healed. She went back to the doctor and requested another endoscopic examination of her stomach.

The doctor saw a healthy pink stomach with no bleeding ulcers.

Supernatural life & the Holy of Holies

Francis Sizer was a charismatic Catholic who walked with miraculous giftings. He was having lunch with a group of Protestants who were asking him questions he was having trouble answering. They were asking him what a priest was and why was he a priest.

A lady, who happened to be an angel, walked by and said, “The answer is in the curtain.” She disappeared and he never saw her again.

Then the man beside him said, “Oh, you need to go and read about the curtain.” He was referring to Matthew 27:51 —  And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. And he was referring to Hebrews 10:19-20 — Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh.

That is to say, because we accept the fact that Jesus died for us, we are priests and can enter the Holy of Holies. We all have access to God without needing another person to be an intermediary for us.


You can learn more about his supernatural life online. Watch the entire It’s Supernatural television interview between Dr. Francis Sizer & Sid Roth.

Substance Abuse Treatment Options


substance abuseCorey Russell was in college with a huge substance abuse problem. In November 1996 his friend had an overdose and began to have some sort of mental problem.

Then, four months later, his friend was completely restored. He helped Corey drop his drug habit.

No more substance abuse 

He dropped it immediately with no withdrawal symptoms. This was the ideal drug treatment option.

Corey was interviewed on TV about his experience with the treatment.
Watch the entire It’s Supernatural TV interview between Corey Russell & Sid Roth.

Sees Angels After a Severe Accident

Near-death experience

Deborah Shambora sees angels because of unusual circumstances.

sees angelsAfter recovering from a severe accident, Deborah Shambora’s sight was not normal. However, she could see angels and she could see demons.

She died on the operating table. Her spirit rose above her body. She could see her body and she could see the doctors resuscitating her.

Sees angels after cornea transplant

After a cornea transplant she began seeing demons and angels. In one instance she was sitting near the back of a church and the woman in front of her was in obvious pain. The Lord revealed to her that the woman had a migraine headache. After Deborah prayed for the woman to be healed, she saw an angel walk down the aisle and pour liquid on the woman’s head.

On occasion Deborah goes to heaven. One of her favourite things to do is pray with Jesus.


Watch the entire It’s Supernatural TV interview between Deborah Shambora & Sid Roth.