Creative Miracles on Azusa St.

William Seymour

In 1906 a one-eyed black man by the name of William Seymour began preaching and praying for people in a warehouse on Azusa St. This became known as the Azusa Street Revival.

Shoulder & arm restored on Azusa St.

One man had his shoulder and arm ripped off. William Seymour prayed and, as people watched, the bone grew out followed by flesh. It took about two seconds for the entire arm to grow out.

Members of the congregation began to pray for each other. In one case a man’s fingers had been cut off. They grew back before everyone’s eyes. Another member held her finger on a man’s gum where a tooth was missing. The entire tooth grew back while she watched. A skinny cancer victim was healed and also gained 40 pounds within three hours.

Another revival in 100 years

William Seymour prophesied that in about a hundred years another revival would occur that would be greater than the Azusa Street Revival. It would travel all around the world.

Watch the entire TV interview with Tommy Welchel.

Book — The Azusa Street Revival 

Roberts Liardon wrote a book called The Azusa Street Revival. It tells the whole story — the origins and events that surrounded the revival fire that fell at Azusa Street in downtown Los Angeles. Roberts Liardon fills in the blanks left out by other books on Azusa, tracing the events that led up to the revival including the Cane Ridge Revival, Phoebe Palmer and the Holiness Movement, the influence of Alexander Dowie’s precious Zion City in Chicago, the rise of Charles Parham and his student William Joseph Seymour who became the catalyst for the Azusa Street revival.

When the fire fell in early April 1906, it would spread from what a Los Angeles newspaper referred to as a “tumble down shack” to the four corners of the earth. Liardon describes in vivid detail how the battle cry of Pentecostal revival sounded from Azusa Street would erupt in every continent and among all people groups of the world and cause Pentecostalism to become a major force in Christendom.

Holy Spirit & David Hernandez’ Ministry

Creating a muscle that had not existed

Holy Spirit

When the presence of the Holy Spirit is thick in David Hernandez’ meetings, awesome miracles can happen.

In one case David was inspired to call someone to the front. He was unable to lift one arm because part of the muscle had been surgically removed. The muscle was supernaturally restored.

Watch this miracle in the video below.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the One who:

  • Stirs our faith
  • Helps us to pray
  • Guides us
  • Helps us to walk in holiness
  • Gives us the words to speak when we do not know what to say
  • Opens the heart of the spirit of the unbeliever
  • Breaks addictions & bondages
  • Delivers captives from demonic oppression

And there’s more. Learn about them in the video below.

How to Develop a Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Be still and know that I am GodPsalms 46:10

Getting close to the Holy Spirit requires silence & stillness. Silence is the putting away of outer distractions. Stillness is the quieting of the soul (mind, will, emotions, etc.)

It’s a good idea to go away privately. Then, when you go away to someplace quiet and get a revelation from the Holy Spirit, meditate upon it.

This is explained much more fully in the video below.

How to Retreat into Your Spirit

May your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless. 1 Thess. 5:23b

You have to retreat away from your body & soul and retreat into your spirit. You do that by meditating on the Word of God. You capture the revelation, the Holy Spirit breathes upon the Word and causes creation to take place.

The Word of God without the spirit is information, the spirit without the Word is inspiration. Together they bring about creation. Then the Word can transform you.


Watch the complete interview between David Hernandez & Sid Roth.

How to Develop an “Expect a Miracle” Attitude

Skeptical construction workers healed

miracleAliss Cresswell creates signs that say “Expect a Miracle”. That attitude is part of her everyday life.

One day she was in a hotel room and the Holy Spirit told her to go behind the hotel and sit at a table. So she did.

Two workmen came along and sat at the table next to her. They were discussing the concept that miracles are not even real.

Aliss sat down with them and said she wanted to show them that miracles really do happen. She found out their physical problems and prayed for them. Both men were healed.

Watch the video below to see what happened.


Quick miracle, healed of Parkinson’s disease

Alice Cresswell was speaking at a small gathering. Someone pushed up a lady in a wheelchair. She had Parkinson’s disease.

Alice said a quick prayer: In the name of Jesus, be healed.

She ended up pushing the wheelchair out of the meeting room.

Examples of praying for a miracle

Aliss Cresswell found a lump on her breast. This is how she handled that problem.

She did not come into agreement with it. She commanded the lump to leave in the name of Jesus. She put her finger on it and it disappeared.

Watch the story in the video below.

Commands when she prays

When Aliss Cresswell prays, she commands things to happen in the name of Jesus. She will command a demon to leave. She will command bones to go into place.

Watch the video below for further explanation.

No faith; back healed anyway

During a healing seminar, a lady in the audience interrupted to say that her friend’s teenage son had died even after they prayed for him. She said that she and her friend had no faith in healing at all.

Later Aliss Cresswell was preparing to heal someone with a broken back. She asked the lady with no faith to help with the healing. The lady put her hand on the victim’s back and could feel the power of the Holy Spirit coming down her arm.

The broken back was healed.

Watch more in the video below.


Watch the entire television interview between Aliss Cresswell & Sid Roth.

The Beginning of Heidi Baker’s Ministry

Healed of double pneumonia 

Heidi BakerIn the early 1990s Heidi Baker was a burned-out missionary in Mozambique. Not only that, but she had double pneumonia.

Against doctor’s orders, she flew to Canada and went to the Toronto Airport Church. She was leaning against the back wall in her sick condition.

Someone had a word of knowledge that there was a missionary in the room who had double pneumonia. All she had to do was take a deep breathe. She did and was totally healed.

To learn more, watch the video below.

Getting Heidi Baker’s attention

After Heidi Baker was healed of double pneumonia, she was taken to the front of the church. She was slain in the Spirit and had a vision.

Among other things, Jesus came to her. He took flesh from His side & told her to give it to the children. It became bread.

He took a cup & let blood from his side drip into it. He told her that it was a cup of suffering and joy. She should give it to the children. He did it so that there would always be enough.

To learn more, watch the video below.

Evangelizing a hostile congregation

Heidi Baker showed the Jesus film to a new people group in northern Mozambique. After the film they were agitated. Children were fighting and adults were ready to throw stones.

The Lord told her to have an altar call. He eventually told her to call the demonized.

Not wanting to offend the people, she called up all of the people who had night terrors. 36 people came up for prayer. They were manifesting demonically.

Heidi commanded the spirits to be gone in the name of Jesus. All 36 people were slain in the spirit.





Watch the complete interview between Heidi Baker & Sid Roth.

What Is the Greater Glory of God?

The Glory of God

If you were to die right now and go to heaven, you would be experiencing something amazing. When you are on earth experiencing that same thing, that is the Glory of God. Right now we’ll talk about the Glory. Later we’ll talk about the Greater Glory.

greater gloryThe Glory recently fell at one of David Herzog’s meetings in Kiev, Ukraine. He did not even call out what miracles were about to happen. They happened anyway. People came up & said that they had new gold fillings in their teeth or their cancerous tumours had disappeared.

Later he was in the pastor’s office with some sick people. He watched as their tumours disappeared and their skin colour changed from sickly to healthy in front of his eyes.

To learn more, watch the YouTube video below.

The Anointing

The Anointing is different from the Glory. The anointing is the influence of the Holy Spirit within a person. Often a person with the Anointing will have a physical sensation. When ministering to someone, they may feel the Anointing go out of their bodies.

Ministering in the Anointing can make a person feel fatigue. When the Glory of God is ministering, the person leading the meeting will feel less fatigue.

Learn more from the video below.

The Greater Glory

The Lord told David Herzog that the Greater Glory would be much greater than anything people experienced in past revivals. What took years to happen in past revivals will take just days in this new Glory.

David first experienced the Greater Glory at a Ruth Heflin camp meeting. He went there to relax after a six month revival. Ruth announced to him that he would be speaking that evening.

When we spoke, he was covered with gold dust. Without wanting to, he ended up singing Isaiah 60 & 61 in their entirety.

To understand this, watch the video.



Watch the complete interview between David Herzog & Sid Roth.

To Heal the Sick, Pray with Your Spirit

Healed from chronic pain


spiritJanet Proodian’s legs had been crushed between the bumpers of two cars. As a result she could not run and had chronic pain. Her husband could not heal her because he had not yet learned how to pray with his spirit.

She and her husband went to a Bill Johnson meeting. Bill had a word of knowledge that people in the audience had been in accidents, were now in chronic pain and God wants to heal them that night.

Janet stood up & raised her hand. Bill Johnson told people around them to lay their hands on the people with chronic pain.

Janet’s legs began to tingle. They tingled all night. When she awoke, she had no swelling, no pain and the nerves had been reconnected.

Persistently prayed (but not with his spirit)

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ1 Thessalonians 5:23b

For 30 years John Proodian prayed for the sick. Virtually no one was healed!

He finally found out what was missing. He had prayed with his body and soul. But, he did not get his spirit involved.

Now he has an infinitely better success rate.

See this explained in the video below.

Grew several inches while congregation watched

John & Janet Proodian were at a Dr. James Maloney meeting one evening. A little girl and her mother came to the front. The girl was around 12 years old. However, she had a rare physical condition that caused her growth to be stunted. She looked more  like a 5- or 6-year-old child.

Dr. Maloney had a word of knowledge of precisely what the girl’s problem was. He also declared that God would restore her stature “right now”.

He asked the congregation to begin worshipping the Lord. The little girl grew several inches while the congregation watched.

Watch the complete TV interview between John & Janet Proodian and Sid Roth.

The Ministry of Patricia Bootsma

Authority Over Demons

Patricia BootsmaPatricia Bootsma had a terrifying three weeks when she was 19 years old. Demons would come into her bedroom every night around 2 am. Things would fly around the room. She heard voices. She knew that she lacked the power to take authority over the demons.

One evening a pastor laid his hands on her and imparted a special anointing over her. She drove home speaking in tongues. She went into her bedroom and spoke with authority. She just said, “In the name of Jesus, get out!”

That night was the first night in three weeks that she had a peaceful sleep.

 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8a.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Matthew 28:18b

Watch the video below.

Patricia Bootsma

Patricia BootsmaPatricia Bootsma, along with her husband John, is a lead pastor at the Airport Campus church at Catch The Fire Toronto, Canada.

Patricia leads the Ontario Prophetic Council. She is part of the Canadian Prophetic Council.

She has made it her life goal to walk in a lifestyle of divine encounters—and mentor people to do the same.

Lifestyle of drawing near to the Lord

Having divine encounters and hearing the Lord’s voice does not come automatically just because a person is a Christian. You can expect it to require a lifestyle of waiting on the Lord and worshipping God.

They who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Cloud of Witnesses

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1

Once Patricia Bootsma’s spirit left her body and went to heaven. She met some of the Cloud of Witnesses. They were ancestors of hers.

Her grandmother told her that their race was over. But, Patricia’s job was to bring light into dark places. They will be cheering her on. She should tell people about heaven. She should tell them that He’s worth it all.

Watch the entire interview between Sid Roth & Patricia Bootsma,

This Is How a Severely Crushed Body Became Whole

Hugged by Jesus


As an adult, Bruce Van Natta’s body was crushed by a truck. The journey from that to his healing actually began when Bruce was a preschooler.

At a very young age, Bruce Van Natta’s grandparents took him to Sunday School ONCE. Several months later he was in bed feeling emotionally distraught. He was feeling hurt, guilt, fear & shame.

Then he remembered a Bible story and pictures he had seen that one and only time he went to Sunday School. The teacher had explained a picture of Jesus hugging some children.

crushedSo, he prayed, “Jesus, if you’re real, I want you to come in and hug me like you did to those kids in that story.” At that point he was pulled out of the bed. He actually felt Jesus hugging him. He said it was like “liquid love” from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

He woke up the next morning and said to himself, “There’s something to this Jesus thing!”


Crushed by a truck

Bruce grew up to become a mechanic. One day he was workingcrushed beneath a large semi-trailer truck. A wheel had been taken off and it was supported by a jack. The jack slipped out and his body was crushed. Vertebrae were crushed, internal organs were crushed and major arteries were severed in five places. On one side of his body there was about one inch space between the axel housing and the concrete floor. On the other side of his body, there was about two inches.

crushedHe yelled out, “Lord Jesus, help me!” Then his spirit left him. He looked down from the ceiling and saw two angels ministering to his body.

An emergency medical technician, a baby Christian, slapped him on his face and asked him to come back. He did. It was extremely painful. He died again. The pain left. The Lord gave him the choice of going to heaven or entering his body again.

The baby Christian kept praying. Watch the video below to see what happened.

Intestines grew back

Adults have around 18 feet of small intestine. Surgeons had removed most of this organ, leaving about two feet. Consequently he had to be fed intravenously.

A man came to the hospital to pray for Bruce. The prayer included a command to the small intestine to grow back.

Bruce  told someone in the hospital room that it felt like a snake became uncoiled in his stomach.

The doctors did a test — nine to eleven feet of small intestine had grown back.



Watch the entire television interview between Bruce Van Natta & Sid Roth.


How to Use Singing to Heal People

The science behind singing to heal

singing to healSinging the scriptures is a tool that can make your prayers more effective. You can literally be singing to heal.

Even when you think you cannot sing at all, at least trying to sing will help you break into the supernatural.

Science is doing research on the power of singing. When you talk you are using the left side of the brain. When you add the element of tone, you are using the right side. By adding rhythm, you are using the back of the brain. With the various parts of your brain working together, it is very difficult to have negativity into your thoughts and prayers.

Watch more in the video below.

Homeless man sings Psalms 23

A homeless man named Raymond used to communicate by just mumbling. At a homeless shelter event, people were encouraged to sing the Bible. Julie Meyer worked especially hard to get Raymond to sing.

Eventually he stood up and sang so hard that people clapped. That was the beginning of his recovery. The last Julie Meyer heard about him was that he wanted her to know that he would be entering a drug treatment program.

Watch more in the video below.

Woman with AIDS gets healed

Eli Rose had been homeless since age 12. She’d been in the sex trade & had AIDS. A doctor had told her that she was unable to ever have children.

She was planning on ending her life. Before she did so, she ended up in some healing rooms.

The healing room director got a word of knowledge that someone in the room wanted to commit suicide. He told the people that whoever it was should not do that. He said that God was already starting to heal her.

That evening she gave her life to the Lord. Then she began a healing program. Every day she sang the Bible.

She now credits her healing with singing the scriptures. She was healed of AIDS. She is now married and had a baby girl.

Watch the video.

Watch the entire TV interview between Sid Roth & Julie Meyer.


This is the Outrageous Faith of Henry Gruver

outrageous faithHenry Gruver’s life has been a life of outrageous faith and amazing miracles.

For instance, he, his wife and their eight children were in a van accident. Henry was dead for about 30 minutes.

His daughter’s outrageous faith

His 15-year-old daughter started praying, “Devil, that’s my dad. You can’t have him. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”

Henry came back to life. Hear the story in the video below.

Eleven days to live

Once Henry had cancer throughout his body. His doctor told him he expected to live another eleven days. He called Henry a living dead man.

Eleven days after the doctor visit he preached to 75 pastors because he had been scheduled to preach a year earlier. Physically it was very difficult.

outrageous faithAfter he preached, a number of students began to pray for him.

Suddenly the pain left him. He yelled out that he had been healed.

He went back to his doctor who was super impacted. Since then he has gone on missions to India & Africa.

Mosquitoes, plague & dragonflies

outrageous faithHenry was scheduled to speak in Taiwan. The southern part of Taiwan was being plagued by deadly mosquitoes. One mosquito bite and people would go into a painful high fever for four days and then die. Hundreds were dying every day.

outrageous faithHe went to southern Taiwan, looked out on a field and had a vision of one dragonfly. His father had told him to never kill a dragonfly because they eat mosquitoes.

Henry prayed for clouds of dragonflies. Suddenly he and his entourage saw millions of dragonflies appear in front of them.

Baby Dead at Birth

Henry Gruver’s baby boy had been born dead. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his throat four times.However, a year previous it had been prophesied that his wife would give birth to a powerful man of God.

So, Henry took the dead baby in his hands and reminded God of the prophecy. The baby lived.




Watch the TV interview between Sid Roth & Henry Gruver. You will agree that he has outrageous faith.



healing ministry