Body Revived 61 Minutes After Death?

body revivedDied in a car crash

Gary Wood knows what happens after death. The paramedics declared him dead at the scene of his car crash. He went to heaven and got a tour from an old friend who had died. But, his sister prayed and he returned to his body. He had been medically dead for 61 minutes before his body revived.

His trip around heaven included a trip to a library where he found the books recording things people had done in life. That included a list of all the things people had done to help get others saved. It also included sins people had committed but had not repented of. Once they repent, the deeds are removed from the books.

Later he went into a room of unclaimed blessings. These were blessing that people could have had but they did not have enough faith. He was told that it is important for people to say things such as “I believe, I receive” after they have prayed for a blessing.

Sister prayed, body revived

Gary Wood, body revivedAbout 61 minutes after death, his friend in heaven told him that he had to go back to earth because his sister was using “that Name”. He instantly left heaven.

His sister, who up until that time did not really believe in miracles very strongly, was praying for Gary to come back. She was using the name “Jesus” lots.

List of injuries and the miracles that followed

Gary Wood, xRayAfter Gary came back:
♦ His vocal cords were severed.
♦ His larynx was crushed.
♦ His neck was broken.
♦ Teeth were knocked out.
♦ His nose was torn off.
♦ His jaw was broken.

Gary Wood, hospitalIt was medically impossible for him to talk.

Gary Wood, JesusBut then one day Jesus came into his room. He put his hand on Gary’s throat. Even though the vocal cords were still severed, he could talk!

He can talk and he can sing. He needs to be able to talk to fulfill his mission on earth.

He was told that everyone is unique and has a unique purpose on earth.


Watch the television interview between Sid Roth and Gary Wood.

His Glory When Miracles Happen

What is His Glory?

His GloryHis GloryMahesh and Bonnie Chavda experience the His Glory on a regular basis. (The Glory is the manifest presence of God. It is who God is. It is the essence of his nature, the weight of his importance, the radiance of his splendor, the demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of His presence.)

Dying liver

His GloryOnce they were praying for a girl with a dying liver.
Their spirits were taken inside the liver where they prayed for the liver cells. While they were in the liver, it seemed normal.His Glory Being within a supernatural experience from God seemed natural.


Watch the It’s Supernatural television interview between the Chavdas and Sid Roth.

Miracles Signs & Wonders the Deaf Hear; the Blind See

Word from a complete stranger

At age 16, a complete stranger foretold his future life of miracles signs & wonders.
Dr. Peter Gammons was a new believer on his way to a church meeting. A taxi stopped and a complete stranger called out his name.

She told him that God had told her to tell him that he was to take His healing message and his healing power to the world. Then she left.

Miracles signs & wonders message repeated

He walked into the meeting, was singing praise and worship songs and the pastor stopped the service. He called Peter out of the crowd and told him the same thing that the woman in the taxi had said. Shortly thereafter, the pastor left the meeting.

Peter’s ministry had begun.

People are so amazed at the signs and wonders that huge crowds go to his meetings around the world. He will pray for the deaf and they hear. He will pray for the blind and they see.

Sometimes, to create a sign for unbelievers, he will line up to 45 deaf people and pray for them. At times every single one is healed.

When you watch the video below, you will see actual footage of his healing services. The woman in this picture was completely restored after being deaf for 14 years.

Sometimes Dr. Gammons prays over leaders of nations. At one time he was speaker in a foreign nation and a university lecturer came up for prayer. He prophesied over her that she would become the country’s president. A month later she ran for senator and won. Later she became vice president and then president.

You can also read a page about Dr. Gammons’ explanation of the

names of God



Watch the It’s Supernatural television interview between Dr. Peter Gammons and Sid Roth.

Hear five radio interviews between Dr. Peter Gammons and Sid Roth.

Our Battle Is Not Against Flesh & Blood

What is our battle?

Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and the forces of evil in the heavenly realm.  Ephesians 6:12

Cancer Disappeared — “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

our battleCharles Vance had a huge cancerous tumour in his small intestine. He was in excruciating pain. But, he knew about Proverbs 18:21 and other faith principles. Four days later he was cancer free.

(Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruitPoverbs 18:21)

Find out how Charles Vance overcame the curse of cancer. Watch the It’s Supernatural television interview between Charles Vance & Sid Roth.

Emotional Trauma Healed with Joan Hunter

emotional traumaWhen Joan Hunter prays for people, psychological and emotional trauma are reversed. This in turn can reverse diseases and other infirmities.

Joan Hunter prayed for a man who had been crippled from birth.

The man got out of the wheelchair and began running around the church.

Memories of emotional trauma

She prays for people who have had emotional trauma. The memories produced by the trauma are erased.

These memories can produce anger, stress, worry, bitterness and depression. These in turn can produce disease.

In one case Joan Hunter prayed for someone who was released from the effects of so much trauma that she INSTANTLY went from size 18 to size 14. Within the next week she went down to size 12.


Watch the It’s Supernatural TV interview between Joan Hunter & Sid Roth.


Listen to five radio interviews with Joan Hunter.


Bipolar Reversal After a Supernatural Prayer

Bipolar medication for 20 years

bipolar reversalAt age 12 a doctor diagnosed John Waller as a manic depressive (today called “bipolar”). He was on medication for 20 years. Then he had a bipolar reversal.

At age 23 he got married and presented his wife with a very difficult life. She had to go out to work while he babysat (and did an abysmal job of it.)

Bipolar reversal

After two people came over and ministered to him, his depression was reversed. Now he travels around helping people to get free from their problems.

One of the big keys is in Proverbs 18:21Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Learn about John Waller’s bipolar reversal. See and hear the interview with John Waller.

Watch the television interview between John Waller & Sid Roth.


Spoken Word of God, the Power of Confessing It

Reversing depression with the spoken word

spoken wordRabbi Jonathan Bernis understands the power of the spoken word. He  had a woman in his office who had been suffering from depression for over 20 years. She had gone to several different doctors. They could not help her.

Rabbi Bernis gave the woman a number of different faith-building Bible verses and told her to spend an hour every day speaking them out loud.

The woman began confessing faith scriptures — and so on. When she went back to the rabbi less than TWO WEEKS later, she was completely healed.

Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing By the Word of GodRomans 10:17

Meditate using the spoken word

Meditate on the Word day and night so that you will be careful to do what is written. Then you will be prosperous and successfulJoshua 1:8, paraphrased 

Joshua was about to lead around three million Jews into the promised land. God told him that if he meditated on the word of God, he would be prosperous and successful. When God said meditate, He used the Hebrew word hagawHagaw means to talk, to utter, to mutter.

In other words, in order to make God’s word come to pass in our lives, we should say it out loud. At least, say it loud enough so that your ears can hear it. Our brains process things differently when we hear them as opposed to just thinking them.

For with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:10 

In other words, if a person believes in his spirit (heart) first, then he gets results by confessing the word. If you are in the habit of praying for people person to person, get them to confess that your prayer for them will be answered. Get them to speak it out loud boldly. Tell them the power of the spoken word.

Watch the interview between Johathan Bernis & Sid Roth.

Katie Souza, from Career Criminal to Full-Time Ministry

Career criminal stage

Katie SouzaKatie Souza went from working in the entertainment industry to being a career criminal. Her days were filled with drugs, clandestine laboratories, stolen vehicles, high-speed chases, gun shootouts, and many arrests.

But after being caught and sentenced to 13 years in prison, Katie’s life was radically transformed. Now she is out of prison, in full-time ministry, and when she ministers, people are healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Katie Souza changed through one prayer

Before she was saved, Katie was serving a 12.5 year sentence in prison. One time in frustration she said, “I give up. I surrender.” God showed up. She got saved and began having Bible studies in prison.

She became as fanatical for God as she had been for crime. She began hearing the voice of God.

One time God told her that he would get her out of prison on a specific date. She told every prisoner what God had told her. She indeed was released on that date.


Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people.      Luke 11:16


Watch a TV interview between Katie Souza and Sid Roth.


Hear radio interviews between Katie Souza and Sid Roth.

How to Break Generational Curses

Generational curses for 3 or 4 generations

Graeme Walsh generational cursesGraeme Walsh shares something that many Christians don’t recognize — when several generations have sickness, divorce and even poverty running down their family line, this often is a generational curse. He urges you to close the door on generational curses AND he tells how.

The Word of God says I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation Exodus 20:5b and Our fathers sinned, and are no more; and we bear their iniquitiesLamentations 5:7 

If we sin and do not repent of it, the enemy has a legal right to come into our lives. If our ancestors back a few generations sinned and no one has repented of it, the enemy has a legal right to come into our lives.

It may seem unfair, but that is the reality of it. The Bible tells us so.

In a third of the recorded healings of Jesus, He first cast out a demon.

Deliverance and Communion 

Communion is the greatest tool for deliverance. Demons know about the blood of Jesus. They are afraid when they hear about the blood.

demon in Korea & generational cursesGraeme Walsh was a guest speaker at a church in Korea. A particular church member would demonically manifest so often that four men had been permanently assigned to restrain him when he manifested.

The demon manifested while Graeme was there. The assigned restrainers held him down and Graeme forced the man to take communion. Within ten or twenty seconds the man was delivered!


 scoliosisA woman had a generation scoliosis curse. Her head was bent down so it touched her chest.

Graeme Walsh took dominion over the spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus. The woman was instantly healed a grew two inches taller while they were watching.

Learn more about breaking generational curses.

Watch Graeme Walsh’s television interview with Sid Roth .

Listen to the radio interviews. They include a prayer to break generational curses.

Aaronic Blessing & Barren Women

Bill Ligon has spent years studying the supernatural power of blessing people. He uses the priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:23-27. It can mean that they are blessed by God to have supernatural happenings in their lives. In 200 cases the blessings given to barren women was pregnancy. Read on.

The priestly blessing often involves absolutely forgiving someone who has cursed you and then praying that a blessing will come upon them.

Forgiveness removed birthmark

birthmark on foreheadIn one case a lady had an unsightly birthmark on her forehead. She not been wanted at birth. Her mother told her something to the effect of, “I didn’t want you. I wish you had never been born.”

Bill Ligon and his wife counselled with her for a few hours. She was able to forgive her mother and pray a blessing upon her. During the counselling session the birthmark faded away.

Bill Ligon and his wife have given a priestly blessing for 200 barren women who have later become pregnant. This blessing has even helped children get higher marks in school.


Watch Bill Ligon’s interview with Sid Roth from his It’s Supernatural television show.

Listen to the five audio interviews with further information about priestly blessings.