To Heal the Sick, Pray with Your Spirit

Healed from chronic pain


spiritJanet Proodian’s legs had been crushed between the bumpers of two cars. As a result she could not run and had chronic pain. Her husband could not heal her because he had not yet learned how to pray with his spirit.

She and her husband went to a Bill Johnson meeting. Bill had a word of knowledge that people in the audience had been in accidents, were now in chronic pain and God wants to heal them that night.

Janet stood up & raised her hand. Bill Johnson told people around them to lay their hands on the people with chronic pain.

Janet’s legs began to tingle. They tingled all night. When she awoke, she had no swelling, no pain and the nerves had been reconnected.

Persistently prayed (but not with his spirit)

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ1 Thessalonians 5:23b

For 30 years John Proodian prayed for the sick. Virtually no one was healed!

He finally found out what was missing. He had prayed with his body and soul. But, he did not get his spirit involved.

Now he has an infinitely better success rate.

See this explained in the video below.

Grew several inches while congregation watched

John & Janet Proodian were at a Dr. James Maloney meeting one evening. A little girl and her mother came to the front. The girl was around 12 years old. However, she had a rare physical condition that caused her growth to be stunted. She looked more  like a 5- or 6-year-old child.

Dr. Maloney had a word of knowledge of precisely what the girl’s problem was. He also declared that God would restore her stature “right now”.

He asked the congregation to begin worshipping the Lord. The little girl grew several inches while the congregation watched.

Watch the complete TV interview between John & Janet Proodian and Sid Roth.

One thought on “To Heal the Sick, Pray with Your Spirit”

  1. Hello my name is Lisa I’ve been struggling to hear from God I am blocked up but not sure where I would hear from Him periodically which I know can’t be right when everyone hears from Hom I feel like I have grieved the Holy Spirit and not really sure how to reconnect to Him I am subscribed to your emails and I Pray that you can give me some understanding as to how to get back in alignment thankyou God Bless you I love your ministry I saw your wife on the RIG nation interview with brother Gary

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