Addicted to food
Christians often think of addictions as things like being addicted to things like alcohol, drugs, gambling or pornography. Usually it will never occur them they are addicted to food even though they are. Lots of prayer & eating healthy food can reverse that addiction. Listen to Dr. Michael Brown’s prayer against food addiction.
Multiple problems reversed
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God. 1 Corinthians 6:19
Give the Holy Spirit the respect He deserves and clean up your body.
Through prayer & lifestyle change Dr. Michael Brown
- Lost 95 lb. in less than 8 months
- Saw blood pressure go from 149/103 to 105/65
- Saw cholesterol count go from 230 to 123
- Saw his headaches disappear
- Saw chronic back pain disappear.
Healthy food & food addictions
Dr. Brown lists 4 things that indicate that a person is a food addict. He talks about reversing his food addictions.
He says that EVERY day it feels good to be free from his food addictions.
- His mind is sharper
- He has more energy
- He believes that 99% of illnesses can be reversed by changing eating habits.
Learn more from the video below.
Harder than reversing heroin addictions
Many years previous Dr. Brown had been addicted to heroin. Then he became addicted to food. He said it was harder to reverse his chocolate addiction than to reverse his heroin addiction.
On August 24, 2014 he decided to change his eating habits. He began eating more of the food in the form God made them. He began eating more fruits & vegetable and much less processed food.
The first three days were terrible. Later he found out that when you feed your taste buds healthy food, they change. Now they prefer healthy food.
Listen to this explained more fully in the video below.
Watch the interview between Sid Roth & Dr. Michael Brown.