A San Juan, Puerto Rico church has jewels falling from heaven.
Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:22
Three years before this video was filmed, a new pastor, Dennis Rojas, came to a little church in San Juan. Then miracles began to happen.
Gems began to fall to the ground. They appear to be perfect in clarity, cut and transparency. Jewelers are impressed at the high quality.
Other miracles began to happen. Oil began to appear on the ceiling and walls. Later it showed up on people’s Bibles. Sometimes it would have the fragrance of rose, nard or myrhh.
Watch another YouTube video of Bobby Conner discussing diamonds from heaven and angels.
Pastor Dennis Rojas is now living in Oklahoma! To give to his ministry or to have him come to your church use this email address: pastordennisrojas@gmail.com! God bless!