Raising the Dead

Surprise Sithole is from Mozambique. The supernatural appears to be much more common there than in the Western World.

Mr. Sithole has prayed for 8 dead people who came back to life! His associates have prayed for more than 100 dead people who have come back to life! (They do not include anyone in those statistics unless they have been dead for at least a day.)  Is it possible that you and I can tap into such miraculous power?

At a point in his life where Mr. Sithole was not a Christian, an audible voice in the middle of the night told him to get up and leave the village. Later he learned that his family had been murdered.

Watch the YouTube video below.

While away from his village, he met a man who told him about the Kingdom of God. While the man was speaking, Mr. Sithole had a vision of him being in hell. He accepted Jesus as his savior.

Watch the YouTube video below.

In the video below, Mr. Sithole describes the first time he raised a person from the dead.

One night Mr. Sithole had a dream that he had prayed to raise a man from the dead. The next day he was invited to the house of someone who had died. He asked to see the body. It was the man from his dream.

He prayed for the man and the man was raised from the dead. He described what had happened to him while he was dead. The dark forces were dragging him to a place that was very hot.

You can watch the story by going to the It’s Supernatural TV show archive below.

Watch the complete It’s Supernatural interview between Sid Roth and Surprise Sithole.

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